The Rabbit Hole Podcast - Behind The Scenes - The Making of a Podcast

Published on
May 30, 2017

The beauty of a well done podcast is that it sounds easy. It sounds natural. Yet, in fact, a whole bunch of behind the scenes pre-planning and post work goes into each episode. Here’s a look behind the scenes at our very own podcast, The Rabbit Hole.

Each episode starts off with a brainstorming session. We discuss the topic, and dive a bit into the weeds on what specifically we want to discuss. There aren’t scripts or preplanned lines, just general wonderings and agreement on some of the broad strokes.


Once we’ve got a handle on where we want to take the episode, the vocal exercises begin. This is perhaps my most favorite part! We sit around in a circle, and William, a senior Stride developer, takes the podcast team through a series of vocal warmups. “Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we’ll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.” Try saying that 20 times fast.


After we’re all warmed up, it’s time to get down to business. We hit the record button and jump in. William reminds us to sit up straight. Get close to the mic but not too close. Sit up yet be comfortable so you can feel engaged and energized.

After that, it’s all about having fun! The conversation flows naturally from one person to the next. We record the whole thing in about an hour or two.


After we wrap recording, it’s off to final edits, sound and music. It’s been a blast and we can’t wait for what’s to come.

Want to be our guest on The Rabbit Hole? We’d love to have you. Tweet at us at @radiofreerabbit with your topic idea and we’ll be in touch.

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The Rabbit Hole Podcast - Behind The Scenes - The Making of a Podcast

The Rabbit Hole Podcast - Behind The Scenes - The Making of a Podcast
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The beauty of a well done podcast is that it sounds easy. It sounds natural. Yet, in fact, a whole bunch of behind the scenes pre-planning and post work goes into each episode. Here’s a look behind the scenes at our very own podcast, The Rabbit Hole.

Each episode starts off with a brainstorming session. We discuss the topic, and dive a bit into the weeds on what specifically we want to discuss. There aren’t scripts or preplanned lines, just general wonderings and agreement on some of the broad strokes.


Once we’ve got a handle on where we want to take the episode, the vocal exercises begin. This is perhaps my most favorite part! We sit around in a circle, and William, a senior Stride developer, takes the podcast team through a series of vocal warmups. “Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we’ll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.” Try saying that 20 times fast.


After we’re all warmed up, it’s time to get down to business. We hit the record button and jump in. William reminds us to sit up straight. Get close to the mic but not too close. Sit up yet be comfortable so you can feel engaged and energized.

After that, it’s all about having fun! The conversation flows naturally from one person to the next. We record the whole thing in about an hour or two.


After we wrap recording, it’s off to final edits, sound and music. It’s been a blast and we can’t wait for what’s to come.

Want to be our guest on The Rabbit Hole? We’d love to have you. Tweet at us at @radiofreerabbit with your topic idea and we’ll be in touch.

Debbie Madden

Debbie Madden

Founder & Chairwoman

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